Build your own website using Laravel for Backend

 Hi everyone you can build your own project like this. if you want you can contact me I have Experian build website news.


1. Web Development and Design for Website News

+ Front End Website Development

   - Layout & Home page design with animation slide & drop down

   - Multi-screens Responsive Design

+ Menu

+ Page

   - Home Page

   - Contact Us Page (Live Map & contact form

   - News Page

   - News Detail

   - Search News

+ Social Media

   - Social Media Integration (Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram, )

   - Share to (Facebook, )

+ Language

   - Khmer

2. Back End Website Development

+ Management

   - Dashboard

   - Ads Management (Add, Edit, Delete)

   - Menu Management (Add, Edit)

   - Article Management (Add, Edit, Delete)

   - Contact Us Management (Add, Edit, Delete)

   - User & Role Management (Add, Edit, Delete)

   - Language Management (Add, Edit, Delete)

+ Technical Specification

   - Bootstrap v5.2

   - Laravel Framework PHP

   - MySQL


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